Journal Articles
- A Comparison of Bayesian Approximation Methods for Analyzing Large Spatial Skewed Data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. .
- The impact of banking services on poverty: Evidence from sub-district level for Bangladesh. Journal of Asian Economics, 66. .
- Exploring socio-demographic-and geographical-variations in prevalence of diabetes and hypertension in Bangladesh: Bayesian spatial analysis of national health survey data. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 29. .
- Does democratic local governance facilitate local economic development? Evidence from Bangladesh. Local Government Studies, 45(6). .
- Sociodemographic and geographical inequalities in under-and overnutrition among children and mothers in Bangladesh: a spatial modelling approach to a nationally representative survey. Public Health Nutrition, 21(13). .
- Spatially revised estimation of infant mortality in Bangladesh. Spatial Demography, 5(1). .
- Climate change, agriculture and migration: Evidence from Bangladesh. Climate Change Economics, 6(02), 1550006. .
- Predicting arsenic concentration in groundwater of Bangladesh using Bayesian geostatistical model. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 21. .
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Working Papers and Reports
- Impact of floods on education outcomes: evidence from Bangladesh using satellite and census data. BIDS Research Report, No. 200. .
- Regional variations of banking services and poverty reduction: Evidence from subdistrict level administrative data of Bangladesh. ADBI Working Paper, No. 871. .
- Impact Evaluation of the 1st Phase of SWAPNO. Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. .
- Citizen survey on service delivery and institutional efficiency of union and Upazila Parishads. Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. .
- Examining the impact of climate change on migration through the agricultural channel: evidence from district level panel data from Bangladesh. SANDEE Working Paper, No. 84-14. .
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PhD Thesis
- Non-Gaussian models for spatial and spatio-temporal processes. Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. .
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